Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Jesus!

This is a clip from a Christmas episode of "Community", titled "Regional holiday Music".

The cast does this episode as a parody of "Glee!". I especially like the line from the song "Happy Birthday Jesus!", which talks of how Public Schools teach children not to pray.
There's a magic in the air around us
We all have the sudden urge to bake
It feels like a very special birthday
but whose name should be written on the cake?

We asked our public school to give the answer

but they could only teach us not to pray.
The Constitution says the state can't tell us:
Was anyone important born today?

Shirley: Jesus Christ!

Choir: Jesus Christ!
Shirley: Jesus Christ is Lord!
Choir: Jesus Christ!

Shirley: Happy birthday, Jesus

Choir: Happy birthday
Shirley: Cut the cake, cut the cake now
Cut the cake, my Lord

Merry Christmas, from Joe