Thursday, February 11, 2010

Adam Giambrone, Tiger Woods, John Edwards, etc.

Males, and I mean ALL males, need to read Proverbs 5 and Proverbs 7, and beware of the adulteress.

Post these on your refrigerator, or as the desktop background on your PC, as long as they are in your face everyday.

If you decide to allow yourself to be seduced, don't say that you were not warned.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Green Police

Take a look at

Make sure to view it all the way to the end, where the Police are being approached by the Green Police.

The scary thing about this advertisement is that it will mostly likely be a part of life in the not-too-distant future.

Just where will the Left-Wing Extremists get the funding for these Green Police? Why, from you and I, the taxpayer, that's who.