Sunday, July 4, 2010

RCMP Watch - Who Is Keeping Them Accountable?

Visit for many articles where the RCMP believe that they are 100% correct, and the public is 100% wrong.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Elgin CAS

Eleven Children's Aid Societies took unprecedented action Tuesday in London, asking a court to order the province to pay tens of millions of dollars they say is needed to keep their doors open. - London Free Press, 2010/05/05

The Elgin CAS is one of these groups.

We, as a society, can no longer afford to keep maintaining the vast number of social services, including CAS. There is no money tree growing in the back yard of the Ontario Legislature. All the money, and I mean ALL of the money, for ALL social service programs come from the taxpayer, NOT the Government.

You cannot get water from a dry well. When you go to your wallet, and it is empty, how do you spend what you do not have? Do you use your credit card? Well, that's what the Government is doing, that's why, as a Province, and as a country, we are going deeper into debt.

Who is paying for this court challenge? We, the taxpayer, are paying for this court challenge.

Every social service agency thinks that they are the most important agency. The more nanny laws we create, the more bureaucracy, and debt, we create for ourselves.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another Scam?

There seems to be quite a few people these days, who are soliciting businesses for door prizes. These door prizes are to be used for Stag and Does.

The targets seem to be stores that are operated as franchises.

When did this tradition start to ask for donations for private parties, from complete strangers?

To those who have the nerve to ask the owner of a franchise, be it a restaurant, grocery store, etc., for a door prize for a Stag and Doe, please be advised that many owners are not rich tycoons, and are barely scraping by, and having a difficult time of even keeping their businesses operating.

For some of these people, they seem to have no problem contacting the head office of a franchise, to complain that the owner did not give them a door prize for their Stag and Doe. They word their complaint as if they are the victims, and the franchise owner is a mean, evil person, for not providing a door prize for their Stag and Doe.

How does the owner know that you are indeed having a Stag and Doe? You did not provide any proof, just your word. How would YOU feel if someone came up to you, and asked YOU to donate a door prize to a Stag and Doe, someone you have never met before?

So, the next time that you decide on asking a business for a door prize for a Stag and Doe, put yourself in the business owners place, and see if you would donate a door prize for a Stag and Doe to someone you do not know, who provides no identification, and no proof that you are indeed having a Stag and Doe.

Scam artists are many these days. Think about it.

Attention liberals: Not all your critics are religious extremists

This is a quote from an article in the National Post, Page A21, April 29, 2010;

"Maybe it makes liberals feel better to write off opponents as religious nuts. That way they don't have to give serious thought to any opinions that differ from their own. It's a lot easier on the brain, and leaves more time for listening to talk radio."

The article was written by Kelly McParland.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Trashy Situation

I took this photo at 10:43 this morning.

It is a picture of the over-flowing garbage in a bus shelter at the Wal-Mart transfer point in St. Thomas, Ontario.

I have called City Hall on this in the past, but the answer is always that they only have enough money to empty the garbage once a week.

Well, if City Hall cannot empty the garbage more than once a week, can they at least provide larger garbage pails?

I have contacted Alderman Chapman, and she is going to see what can be done about this.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Adam Giambrone, Tiger Woods, John Edwards, etc.

Males, and I mean ALL males, need to read Proverbs 5 and Proverbs 7, and beware of the adulteress.

Post these on your refrigerator, or as the desktop background on your PC, as long as they are in your face everyday.

If you decide to allow yourself to be seduced, don't say that you were not warned.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Green Police

Take a look at

Make sure to view it all the way to the end, where the Police are being approached by the Green Police.

The scary thing about this advertisement is that it will mostly likely be a part of life in the not-too-distant future.

Just where will the Left-Wing Extremists get the funding for these Green Police? Why, from you and I, the taxpayer, that's who.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Natural Disasters Make Great Photo Opportunities!

Went to Wendy’s for supper this evening. Parked the car, and noticed how full the parking lot was. Most of the tables in the restaurant were full.

So, went in, and there was none other than Joe Preston, Wendy’s owner, and our Federal Member of Parliament, standing in front of a television camera. Off to the side was Steve Peters, our Provincial Member of Parliament. There were St. Thomas Police Officers and St. Thomas Fire Fighters, all in full uniform.

The Canadian Red Cross was there, doing a fundraiser for the Haiti earthquake. I really wanted to donate, but thankfully, my Federal Government has already committed my hard earned tax dollars towards the Haiti earthquake, without even consulting me.

It’s good to know that this Government, who uses my hard earned tax dollars to kill babies while they are inside their mothers, can also give my money to help people in the Haiti earthquake.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Canada's Guardian Angels

Imagine someone coming to your dwelling, you open the door, you can’t understand what they are saying, so they force their way in, and beat you to a bloody pulp.

Now, the authorities know who did this, but they are not arrested, not charged with anything, and are allowed to continue on with their life.

You, however, can no longer work, as your vision is still blurry, and you are still in pain from this assault.

It was unfortunate that you were not the person they intended to beat. You have no recourse, by the way.

Such is the life of 44-year-old Yao Wei Wu, of Vancouver. The attackers were two police officers.

The Chief of the Vancouver police did visit him in the hospital, and said he was sorry for what the police officers did to him.

Are these incidents just odd occurrences, or is this the way that all National, Provincial, and Municipal police forces operate?

How many incidents like this does the public not know about?

The police should be treated just like they treat the public. They should be considered guilty until proven innocent. They should be put in jail, until their case comes to trial in a year or two. They should have their names dragged through the media. After all, the process is the punishment.

Canada has deteriorated into a police state. The police are above the law, and are the Guardian Angels of the Left-Wing Extremists. They are trained to kill. Not all police are bad apples, but the media has been showing us that few in the bunch are still good.

Yes, the media. Surely the media can provide us with articles of police doing positive things. Why does the media not print such articles?

Be careful, folks, it’s dangerous out there. The media says so.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Barbara Kay: Man-hating nonsense

Another great column from Canada's Barbara Kay. You can read it at


Left this morning for the Passport Office in London, Ontario, at 8:00am. Got back home here at 9:55am.

The process was very streamlined this time, didn't have to wait but a few minutes. There were 2 pre-screeners, both male. There were 10 processors, one of which was male.

With only 25% of the employees at the Passport Office of the male gender, the Government should be ashamed of themselves, as this shows a lack of employment equity, as there was not a balance among the genders.

Had 25% of the staff been comprised of the female gender, I'm sure that the feminist's screams would be so loud, that by the end of the day, all male employees would be gone.

Letter write Walley Keeler, of Cobourg, Ontario, put it best in a letter to the editor in today's National Post: "When feminist's called for equality, they actually meant domination."


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The CHP won’t win, but I’m voting for them

The CHP will not win, but here are a few reasons why I’m voting for them in the next election;

They will eliminate all income tax, and replace it with a consumption tax. You will still be taxed, but on what you purchase, not what you earn.

They will replace the Canada Pension Plan with a new Personal Security Income Account that belongs to you, not the Government of Canada.

If one parent stays at home while the other parent works, the family would receive $1,000 a month to raise their children until age 18.

They will require criminals to make restitution to the victim.

As I said, the CHP will not win, and here are a few reasons why;

At the present time, the strict guidelines of the CHP do not allow them to run a Candidate in every Federal riding. This is a good thing, as they are seeking only quality candidates.

They rely strongly on Christian Churches to get them elected. As the number of Christian Churches in Canada continues to dwindle, so do their chances for being elected.

These past few elections have seen voter turnout plunge to extremely low levels. The CHP needs the votes from those who are not voting. These non-voters are the ones who feel that the system has failed. They know that, regardless of who they vote for, it will be the same circus, just different clowns.

The CHP distance themselves from certain media outlets, as the CHP do not want “unfavourable coverage”.

I had to think what Jesus would say about this.

I turned to Luke 19:1-10, and saw what Jesus did about "unfavourable coverage". Here was Jesus, coming to find and restore the lost. Yet everyone criticized him for finding and restoring one who was lost!

I also turned to Romans 12, and thought that instead of the CHP distancing itself from certain media outlets, the CHP should instead be trying to build good relations with all media outlets.

Hiding from certain media outlets does nothing for the CHP. It makes me feel that the CHP consist only of Rabbit Hole Christians (

If the CHP expect to get enough votes to have elected Members of Parliament, they are going to have to deal with this "unfavourable coverage", and learn to build bridges, instead of tearing bridges down.

The CHP should use some of their funds and place advertisements in newspapers, calling people to meetings, so that the people can learn of the positive ideas the CHP has.

Increasing public awareness is the only way the CHP can get the votes of people who do not presently vote. When the CHP starts placing third, or second, in each Federal riding, this will send a wake-up call to the presently elected political parties, and will force them to re-think the devastating laws they have implemented on all Canadian Taxpayers.

So, come next election, join me in voting for the CHP, if they are running a candidate in your riding. They won’t get elected, so you’ve nothing to lose, but have a lot to gain.
