Monday, June 13, 2011

Domestic violence advocacy bias


Re: Women And Domestic Violence, letter to the editor, June 9.

This letter's writers (seven women who run women's shelters) are not being totally honest with your readers. More than one-third of partners injured in domestic disputes are men, and at least a quarter of partners who are murdered are men. Yet there are no shelters and victims' services for men.

These numbers would undoubtedly be closer to equality if the legal system treated male and female victims equally. Women who stalk men are rarely charged, and women who commit sexual assault are never charged -even if they admit kneeing or stabbing a man in the groin area. Women who kill men are usually found to have been justified, or not guilty by reason of a mental disorder.

Women fear violence more than men mainly because their fears are constantly being stoked by those whose livelihoods depend upon it. It is long past time to end the cycle of bias in domestic violence advocacy.

Grant A. Brown, Edmonton.