Thursday, May 6, 2010

Elgin CAS

Eleven Children's Aid Societies took unprecedented action Tuesday in London, asking a court to order the province to pay tens of millions of dollars they say is needed to keep their doors open. - London Free Press, 2010/05/05

The Elgin CAS is one of these groups.

We, as a society, can no longer afford to keep maintaining the vast number of social services, including CAS. There is no money tree growing in the back yard of the Ontario Legislature. All the money, and I mean ALL of the money, for ALL social service programs come from the taxpayer, NOT the Government.

You cannot get water from a dry well. When you go to your wallet, and it is empty, how do you spend what you do not have? Do you use your credit card? Well, that's what the Government is doing, that's why, as a Province, and as a country, we are going deeper into debt.

Who is paying for this court challenge? We, the taxpayer, are paying for this court challenge.

Every social service agency thinks that they are the most important agency. The more nanny laws we create, the more bureaucracy, and debt, we create for ourselves.

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